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Mould examination

mold examination


When you notice a strange spot on the wall, floor, ceiling or elsewhere, it may be mould. Mould can be potentially very dangerous and harmful for your health. If there is more than 3 square meters of total surface area of mould in the home, it is most likely uninhabitable! The book "Gebrekenboek van de Huurcommissie" even sets this limit at only 0.25 m².

A simple test will tell you wether you are dealing with active moulds, salts, or other contamination.

A mould analysis can be used to determine how far a contaminated area extends. For example, the plaster may be affected, but the underlying insulation may not be affected. This can strongly influence a renovation plan.


There are 2 ways to conduct a mould investigation. The first can partially be done yourself, since you can take the contact sample and send it to us for analysis. This analysis can be used to see whether or not it is a mould, how heavy the contamination is and if the mould is dangerous for your health.

With the second type of analysis, we come on site to carry out an air analysis. This way you know whether the mould is limited to the building structure or whether it is present in the air, which poses additional health risks.